Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Day 6. April Poetry Challenge

If I should die

A time will come when the sun will shine to warm the room I once slept in cold
Cos if I should die and The wind should blow, let it rid
this house of its top
And let the rain wash all the footsteps that I left from the door to the inside.

Sourced from

A time would come when no one would live here. When grasses will take hold and make it an abode. When all the pains and joys that ever lived here would be gone to where memories go.
All will be dead
You know? No one would ever know someone's happiness died here
And Someone's zeal to live got cold

Please know this again
If I Should Die and the wind should blow let it be that it blows till the pains i'll leave behind disappear, that's if I ever live pains behind by my death.
let it blow the joy I should have had but never had to them who would ever need it.
Let it blow yet announcing that who they believed once lived never did live.


Sourced from

If that, they call death should kiss my feet and chill my brain
And that, they called wind should do as it should- blow
Let the birds sing to me true happiness I've always dreamt
I say again
If I should die and the wind should blow, let it be that it keeps me awake in the heart of the one who truly loved me and I to him.

But if I shan't die and yet the wind blows, let it blow to me liberation, freedom, happiness and joy from whence they're kept!

Sourced from


  1. Hardly have I read a mind blowing piece. Your words are really touching. I was thinking already of life's end,when the wind would seize to blow then I saw the end. This is brilliant.

  2. What a captivating expression of ones innermost thoughts....

    This really got to me.....

    "If I should die and the wind should blow, let it be that it keeps me awake in the heart of the one who truly loved me and I to him"

    After all that's all that matters....

    Cos hopes may be shattered ...

    Dreams may die....

    But memories lives on....

    That of our loved ones the most...

  3. Exactly. Thanks for taking your time to read this and allowing it to cause a stir in you. I am happy that somehow, poetry again did as it should.
    Thanks a lot @ Henry. A.

  4. Great message,keep it up!
