Wednesday, 16 March 2016

A world for Sierra and Louisa

"Paint a mural"
"Start a battle"
"Change the world"

On the cover page of the book titled "Shadowshaper" by Daniel José Older had been written the words above. This book has joined the other books to win a space in my heart. It was not just the bravery of Sierra that wowed me but the beauty with which he praises art. He gave life to drawings and gave more to poem. He made poem a door to hard situations. In fact, I still can't help smiling at the meaning  to his poem (puzzle) where he had described
   "the place where lonely women dance.."
You are wondering now too right? And you want to know? Then, grab a copy of this book, lose yourself in it and see more than just that shadow dancing around you in the light.

But then, something did occur to me that truly life is two sides of a coin. Somewhere in someone's mind, a mural could be made into life, given a form and sent off on errands as great as battle. Not just this, these paintings had feelings. They could cry and give warnings. And in another's mind? The  moving on from a broken life because a broken heart would have been easier for Louisa Clark to mend- "After you" By Jojo Moyes. Louisa wish for a way to talk to Will again.

I imagine a world where Louisa and Sierra become friends. And Sierra would paint a mural of "Will Traynor", explain the concept of shadowshaping to Louisa and for once let her bear her heart to Will. Tell him of the child he never knew about, Lily and hear Will tell her, moving on with a new man shouldn't make her guilty for he had told her to Live. Let her see him twitch his brows or laugh that way that made Louisa smile. Oh Louisa! Look for Sierra and paint "Will".

And Sierra? From Louisa would she know that another exist called "life shaping" which Louisa had done all her life and in end again just like in both books, they would call out and say whatever had always wanted to say to that loved one that passed and watch their glowing shadows take one last leap.

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