Friday, 11 March 2016


Welcome to the last day of this "First time episodes" week, I do hope you enjoyed it.

Yes. Different first. This is talking about first that is so different from all the first we'd come to know, it's so different that I strongly believe it's what
shape life itself, it's what I termed the brackets of life. This particular kind of first is so common yet I wonder if we'd ever thought of it. It's just two I know of and maybe you could add what you seem a "different first".

First. The first air we drew the first day we ever made it to this place. This planet earth
Second. The first time we would draw the last breathe.

It sounds more like entry and exit which truly it is. I doubt there is anyone who remembered how that first air we drew felt or anyone alive who would tell how that first time also felt letting out the last breathe.

This brings me to one point, which is no matter how horrible some firsts had been or how beautiful it was. The fact that the two important firsts I had listed above could never be remembered implies that the firsts in between should be worth remembering.
Therefore, enjoy life as it comes and look forward to making any new firsts coming up with you memorable.
Even though you didn't enjoy some, do understand that life itself was once a first and its made up off many firsts. So, live your life and make that first memorable and those that didn't make it up to the memorable mark? Try to understand then, that odds would never be odd with a single "d"

Have a wonderful weekend and happy looking forward to new firsts.
JETMOGAH loves you all.

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