Thursday, 17 March 2016

Genres of the Mind.

Welcome to this Thursday's Section of Tens which I tag "genres of the mind". There are things we like but then we love some more than others. In fact, I believe it's what
make life what it is. The dynamical way of it as well as the putting of differently opinionated people in just a vessel which we tag "world". So, let's pick and decide.

Club or library?                                    Club till I drop. Hehehehehe. I would stay on my bed and read
                                                                  But that beat in my room is nothing to the club.

Potatoes or Yam?                               Yam

Carrot or cucumber?                         Carrot

Movies or book?                                  Book

Popcorn or Pringles?                          Pringles

Harry potter or Merlin?                     Merlin

Heels or sneakers?                             Heels ofcourse. Being tall is my dream

Brush before meal or after meal?  Before meal cos morning taste like paper in my mouth!

Backpack or handbag?                     My handbag anytime

Romance or Crime?                           Romance!

What's yours? Which would be the most common to you dear readers? Kindly drop your comments and keep up the fun!


  1. Club
    Harry Potter
    Heels (for ma bae)
    Brush after meal

  2. Library (challenging)
    Poraro (sweeter)
    Coccumber( goes with groundnut)
    Movies na(you don't take a lady out to the cinema to watch books)
    Hate popcorns (never tastes as gud as it smells)
    Harry Potter all the way (my best movie and novel series)
    Sneakers (warmth)
    After meal (no vex,tooth paste steals the taste of breakfast)
    Back pack naaaaaaa(cool)
    Crime (thrilling)
