Saturday 19 March 2016

To You That Bred Me.

I heard so much love once ring in your hearts for each other, if so why then do I feel hatred has taken over you two? Why did you let it be the gift you gave to my existence? Do you not know
that it darkened my path, tore my heart apart and wet my lids? Or could it be that love never found you two. So, how then did you lay together in hatred to breed me.
ME- the seed of your "once upon a time love story".

Do you still not know that I lived my day as night and night as day as soon as I grew enough to know you had no peace in you. How would you know when the hatred that burn fiercely in you had chased out the light? How I wish i wasn't a seed of this misunderstanding that refused to end! I tried to believe it was for my good but what good comes out of hateful souls? What good I ask again.

I fear this heart born from two disjointed hearts may never be strong enough to show the love I never knew exist. Dont blame me please but how capable can I be when I see not examples but lived in my own globe of imaginations. I could see you laughing at me when i smelt the flowers and felt peace but what black soul would smell something so beautiful in its ragged form? Be disappointed not if someone of such do exist because that would be ME.

You raised your hands and threw it in circles above your heads  leaving hissing sounds as you snapped your fingers and spat "God forbid" when I had said "may my dream not come true". Do you not know this my dream would be another's nightmare? That day they prayed never to come. Ofcourse, you did enough to show me love in your two different worlds but how could you give what you have not? How possible could a citrus begat a tuber?

Hmmm. Would I breed a seed like me too? Or would I be the black pot to produce white corn?


  1. "Would I breed a seed like me too? Or would I be the black pot to produce white corn?"

    There's power to choose!!
